Welcome to my blog! My name is Sarah Whitten and I'm the Marketing Director at FIVE STAR Speakers & Trainers. I constantly get feedback in the world of keynote speakers, receive new information, hear & meet speakers - and I wanted to share my insight with you! If you are looking to hire a speaker, trainer, entertainer, etc - please visit our website at www.fivestarspeakers.com. The information shared on this blog is purely my opinion - just Sarah's, and that's all! Enjoy!

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Healthy CEO Includes CD

Are you familiar with Dr. Larry Ohlhauser? He's a physician, author and global healthcare consultant transforming and empowering individuals and corporations with his strategy for taking control and responsibility for health and wellness.

He explains why initiating wellness programs within the workplace is wise & smart - and will pay-off in the long-term.

Being healthy & taking care of yourself should be your number one priority  - but people always push it aside and act like it's more of an extra curcular activity to take care of yourself and it's something to 'cut' if you don't have 'time' during your day.

Dr. Larry Ohlhauser will explain why taking care of yourself is important. He is speaks to organizations of all sizes to explain the benefits! He is highly requested speaker as well as a 'replacement' if organizations cannot get Dr. Oz to come speak/present in front of their group.

ALSO - Dr.O will be on our Chicago Showcase on June 24th. He will give a 20-minute snippet of his keynote. If you'd like to preview him there - sign up to attend! There is no charge to come to our showcase and we'll feature 20 professional speakers & entertainers -- all presenting in 20-minute increments to give a preview of what they talk about and their presentation style on stage!

To attend the Chicago Showcase & see Dr. O live - go here to register at NO charge!
For more information about the Chicago Showcase & to see the full line-up of speakers/entertainers - you can go here!

[We have another showcase in Dallas on June 17th. Dr. O will not be at this one, but we will be featuring another 20 amazing speakers/entertainers! Go here to check out the Dallas Showcase & line-up]

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