Welcome to my blog! My name is Sarah Whitten and I'm the Marketing Director at FIVE STAR Speakers & Trainers. I constantly get feedback in the world of keynote speakers, receive new information, hear & meet speakers - and I wanted to share my insight with you! If you are looking to hire a speaker, trainer, entertainer, etc - please visit our website at www.fivestarspeakers.com. The information shared on this blog is purely my opinion - just Sarah's, and that's all! Enjoy!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

We hope you
have a wonderful holiday & best wishes for the new year!


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Congrats to Jeff Civillico: Featured in Campus Activities Magazine: 2010 Rock ‘n Road Show

Our amazing & very talented friend, corporate comedian, juggler, entertainer & all around great guy, Jeff Civilico, was featured in this month’s edition of “Campus Activities Magazine,” the #1 publication for campus entertainment. The article reviewed this year’s Rock n’ Road Show at Akron U Jeff participated in. Although we LOVE him in the corporate world - Jeff gets a large portion of his calender filled up by doing college orientation & family weekend shows.

BIG SHOUT OUT to Jeff Civilico! We can't wait to start hogging more of his time doing corporate shows and getting the same RAVE reviews he's received from the college-industry as we will from the corporate audience! For more information on Jeff Civilico - full bio, demo videos, booking fees or general interest - feel free to contact FIVE STAR Speakers & Trainers at: 913.648.6480, email us at: marketing@fivestarspeakers.com, or use the FIVE STAR contact form to receive more info on Jeff.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Don Yaeger - Friday, 11/19/10 in Overland Park, Kansas

Today I heard Don Yaeger speak at the Accellerent Breakfast in Overland Park, Kansas. Don is New York Times Best-selling Author. Long-time Sports Illustrated Writer. Cancer Survivor. Entrepreneur. Captivating Storyteller. Speaker of Champions.

Don is an AMAZING speaker. He is one of my favorite motivational speakers - he is a phenomenal storyteller. This morning he spoke about how he was the 6th man who scored during a one-on-one match with Michael Jordan! He spoke about the life of Warrick Dunn - who is probably the most deserved, talented and heart-felt athlete out there! His story is incredible and Don Yaeger was able to write the book on his life. He also was able to spend MANY days and years with his close, good friend, the late Coach John Wooden. Who - quoted by Don today - gave great advice: "Show me your friends & I'll show you your future!"

More on Don Yaeger: As the author of 17 books, four of which became instant New York Times best-sellers, Don Yaeger has developed a reputation as one of America's most provocative journalists. His award-winning writing career, including 10 years as Associate Editor of Sports Illustrated, has led to guest appearances on every major talk show in America - from Oprah to Nightline; from CNN to Good Morning America.

Few can lay claim to as exciting and colorful career as Don. In his 20-plus years as a journalist, he has conducted interviews with some of the greatest athletes of our time - Michael Jordan, Mia Hamm, Emmitt Smith, Serena Williams, Jimmy Connors and countless others. He has lived with Walter Payton, writing the NFL legend's autobiography as Payton courageously battled cancer, and even interviewed the President of the United States in the Oval Office.

Using lessons learned from a lifetime in sports, Don shares the formula that he has seen in the great winners he's worked with - and explains how that formula can work for others.

John Wooden, Legendary UCLA Coach and winner of 10 National Championships says, "My time with Don Yaeger is always both a treat and intellectually stimulating!"

Don customizes each speech or breakout session (see below) to meet the needs of his audience, but the topics he is most asked to discuss include:

What Makes the Great Ones Great(Ideal for corporate or association groups focused on leadership and development)

As a New York Times best-selling author and Sports Illustrated Associate Editor, Don has had the opportunity to spend time with some of the greatest winners in the world of sports. Using these rich, personal accounts gathered from more than 20 years of interviews with legends like Walter Payton, Jimmy Connors, Dot Richardson, Shaquille O'Neal, Michael Jordan, John Wooden, Pat Riley, and Dale Brown, Don has distilled Sixteen Consistent Characteristics of Greatness.

Don shares these lessons with audiences in an easy, engaging style, which helps participants realize that they, too, can achieve a higher level of personal success. In his most popular speech, Don illustrates how the great ones achieved their own greatness by detailing common characteristics in

   1. How they think
   2. How they prepare
   3. How they work and
   4. How they live.

Turning Adversity into Advantage(Ideal for survivorship groups)

Don, a cancer survivor, relates stories and lessons taken from those who have encountered great challenges and become better, not despite them, but because of them. In this speech, he reminds his audience that adversity is one of the most potent forces in life - it can build you up or tear you down. Your reaction to adversity - big or small - shapes your character, clarifies your priorities and defines your path. And, as described in this speech, it can fuel your greatness.

He has discussed this subject with athletes and entertainers like Tim McGraw, who watched his father lose a battle with brain cancer. McGraw's experience preceded the release of Don's monster hit, "Live Like You Were Dying."

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Little League
(Ideal for sporting organizations and schools)

Sportsmanship. Leadership. Teamwork. Honesty. Humility. Through emotional, personal stories, Don shows how these and other life lessons are learned in little league.

Don tells how legendary Alabama Coach Bear Bryant used football to break down racial stereotypes and how Bryant's decision impacted many in the South. He also details how the US government uses sports to help rebuild the fabric of fledgling democracies. From his experiences in Iraq, Don reveals that one of the first moves made after the capture of Saddam Hussein was the successful restoration Iraq's sports community, providing Iraqi youth with opportunities to compete in soccer, basketball and track. Why? Sports give communities, families and friends something positive to rally around.

What Will Your Legacy Be, And What Are You Doing to Ensure It?
(Ideal for religious audiences)

In today's live-for-the-moment world, few of us have given thought to the legacy we will leave behind. While working with two exceptional athletes - Walter Payton and Tug McGraw - as they were battling for their lives, Don spent hours discussing the subject of legacy with them. Both men provided lessons that changed Don's life - lessons too important not to share.

Breakout Sessions:

Institutional Reputation Management
Don has covered some of America's most challenging stories over the last two decades. This session will cover everything from tips on how to create a well of good will with today's media to developing a communications plan to guide you through any potential crisis.

Building Your Personal Brand
Everyone recognizes the value of a brand. In fact, BusinessWeek magazine once said that Coca-Cola's brand alone is worth $67 BILLION. But you don't have to be a Fortune 500 company to be a brand. Today, in the Age of the Individual, every one of us is a brand. And, just as executives at Coca-Cola must do, it is your responsibility to increase your brand value daily.

The first step is understanding and defining your brand - skills for which Don Yaeger has developed a national reputation. His company, 180 Communications, has been asked to work with some of the most famous athletes in the world of sports - including the #1 draft pick each of the last 3 years in the NFL drafts and 2008's #1 draft pick in the NBA - to define and nurture their brand.

Regardless of age, regardless of position, regardless of the business you're in, anyone can benefit from this training. Don will teach you how to define and then build your brand in order to maximize your professional potential.

The Discipline of Writing
As a journalist and author, Don has spent years searching for the tricks to the trade of writing. In this session, he'll share those tricks with you.

When the Media Comes Calling
In today's age of instantaneous communication, companies and individuals alike need to be more knowledgeable than ever when it comes to media relations.  If a member of the press contacts you, will you be ready for that call?  How will you react when a question comes your way that you weren't expecting?  And what if you actually want to tell your story?  Is there a trick to getting a reporter to see your story as worth telling?  Don Yaeger has developed a national reputation for answering these questions. His expertise has been sought out by countless high-profile athletes, business leaders and elected officials.

As a New York Times bestselling author and former associate editor of Sports Illustrated, Don has been on both sides of the microphone. He has conducted interviews around the globe and has been interviewed on countless national television and radio shows about his work.  His 20-plus years of experience give him the qualifications to teach you how to win the battle between a professional interrogator and an amateur respondent.

Building Tomorrow's Leaders
Don discusses the early building blocks of success in this session aimed at younger audiences.

Crisis Management
As the author of the best-selling book on the Duke lacrosse scandal - a spectacular example of poor crisis management - Don has studied ways to prepare for and manage potential crises. This seminar is a shortened version of a one-semester course that he taught at a major university.

Reclaim Your Career - Valorie Burton Interview

Posted on CNN - November 14, 2010 | 11:58 PM ET
Reclaim Your Career

With six simple steps you can boost your position, reputation, and responsibilities at work. CNN's Fredricka Whitfield talks to life coach Valorie Burton about the small steps you can take to improve your career. Valorie is the author of the book "What's Really Holding You Back?"

Buy Valorie's Book - "What's Really Holding You Back?"

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Valorie Burton | FIVE STAR Showcase Speaker | Week 45: Stop Stalling and Get It Done!

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Valorie speaking 

O Magazine Cover

Click here to take Valorie's quiz What's Holding You Back that is in the November Issue of O Magazine.

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What's Really Holding You Back?
Got a question for Valorie?
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 Ask in the comment section of the blog or e-mail her at

Week 45: Stop Stalling and Get It Done
Welcome and Announcements

Welcome to our new subscribers since last week. 


In the News
November SaleTake 20% off Valorie Burton's Comprehensive Library, which includes all five of her books and the Listen to Your Life DVD.  Reg. $79, Sale $63.20.  Click here to purchase now!

Washington, DC Area
Join Valorie at the Maryland Women's Conference on Friday, November 19th.  Click here to register.

O Magazine Article

Check out Valorie's article What's Holding You Back in the November issue of O Magazine beginning on page 176.

Newly Launched CAPP Institute WebsiteCheck out the newly launched CAPP (Coaching and Positive Psychology) Institute website!  Click here to learn about our six-month accelerated certification program.  Complete details are coming soon.

Emmy Nomination

Aspiring Women, the TV show on TLN that Valorie co-hosted (2009-10 season) with comedian Chonda Pierce and Shirley Rose, has been nominated for two regional Emmy awards!

Follow me on Twitter at www.twitter.com/valorieburton
Become a fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com. 
Join my network on Myspace at www.myspace.com/valorieburton.
This Week's Topic: Stop Stalling and Get It Done
Dear Friend,

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."  It's a famous Will Rogers quote - perfect for recovering procrastinators, like me.  How about you? What are you stalling on right now?  It only takes a moment to get unstuck.  It's a decision.  And takes just a little discipline to get focused and get busy. Take these five steps to get started:

1. Stop and refocus.
Whatever you are doing that is not really a priority right now - watching TV, checking email, whatever - stop it. Take a deep breath.  Ask yourself, "What do I need to do right now?"

2. Take a step, any step.
Immediately after stopping, take a step in the right direction. If you need to clean up, start picking things up.  If you need to write a report, open up Word and start typing. If you need to take control of your finances, gather up your bills and get yourself organized.

3. Be willing to do badly.
One of the reasons many people stall is that they are afraid of doing it wrong - whatever "it" is. Don't worry about that. Just get started.  Most people never get started, so you are ahead of the game if you just get in the game. You can go back later and edit, fix or improve upon your first effort. Don't let perfectionism hold you hostage.

4. Tell somebody.
When you tell somebody else what you are going to do, you are far more likely to actually do it.  If you keep it to yourself, no one has to know when you don't take action. Use accountability as a tool to get things done. 

5. Create some pressure.
Sometimes having too much time to do something can be your biggest problem.You take a leisurely attitude because you have "so much time." Before you know it, you have no time at all.  If you know you tend to procrastinate, create some structure that gives you a specific window of time to accomplish your task. Ever notice how productive you are right before you go on vacation? You know that in order to leave, you have to get these things done. And you do.  Create pressure, if you need it, and it can be the catalyst to get you going.

My challenge to you this week:
Stop stalling. Just do it!
Coaching question:
What next step will you take now to move in the right direction?
Until next time ...

Warm wishes,
Valorie's Signature
P.S. Encourage your friends and family by sharing this newsletter and invite others to subscribe! Just send them to www.valorieburton.com, where they can enter their email address on the home page.

Valorie Burton, a life coach and speaker, is the author of Listen to Your Life, Rich Minds, Rich Rewards, What's Really Holding You Back?, Why Not You? and her latest, How Did I Get So Busy? The 28-Day Plan to Free Your Time, Reclaim Your Schedule and Reconnect with What Matters Most. Subscribe to her FREE, inspirational e-newsletter at www.valorieburton.com.

Please feel free to forward The Coaching Session with Valorie Burton E-Newsletter to friends and colleagues, but please forward in its entirety. The Coaching Session with Valorie Burton E-Newsletter is written and distributed by Inspire, Inc.

(c) Copyright 2010 Valorie Burton and Inspire Inc.

FIVE STAR Spotlight - KC Showcase Issue - Check out our line up - Showcase is THIS Wednesday, 11/10/10!

We recently worked on our 17,000th event with our incredible group of clients! We have been blessed with the opportunity to work with everyone from Fortune 500 to small businesses, national and state associations, governmental agencies, educational institutions and non-profits from around the US and in 25 countries around the world. We appreciate all of you and will continue to work hard so we never take any of you for granted. You are the reason we’re here and we can only say “Thank You!
On Wednesday, November 10th, in Overland Park, Kansas - we will be hosting our next LIVE Speakers Showcase and you are cordially invited to attend! This will be our biggest showcase of the year and we have a great lineup of speakers as you’ll see below. If you haven't already registered, please do so. (There is no cost to attend the Showcase.) Whether you are registered or not, check out our list of our featured showcase talent! Let us know if you have questions (or would like more information) on any of the speakers/entertainers highlighted. If you have a specific need in mind that is not being presented at the showcase, do not hesitate to ask for help.
Looking forward to another successful Showcase & great last quarter of 2010!
Steve Gardner, CEO
FIVE STAR Speakers & Trainers

. . . . . SHOWCASE EMCEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Scott Bloom
A professional emcee who has hosted hundreds of corporate events and headlined at as many of the nation’s top comedy clubs, Scott can custom tailor his unique brand of showmanship to meet your needs.
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Los Angeles, California
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For more information [or to read full bio], please visit Scott Bloom's webpage.

. . . . . SHOWCASE SPEAKER . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Drum Cafe
The Drum Cafe is a unique consulting and entertainment company that uses a hands-on approach (literally) to teamwork, learning, and motivation that, simply put, relates what it takes to make music to the dynamics of working together in an organization It's a program that is experienced and felt. A musical background is not required as the transformation that occurs between the music as being 'wrong' and the music as being 'right' is easily understood by everyone despite their musical sensibilities. And because music is a universal language, it transcends those barriers, traditional or otherwise, that tend to come between us professionally as well as personally.
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Texas, New York, Georgia, California
Prices based on Program Fee + Production Costs related to number of delegates and location. Check with your FIVE STAR Account Executive for a for custom quote. Ranges starting at $3,500 +
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For more information [or to read full bio], 
please visit The Drum Cafe's webpage.

. . . . . SHOWCASE SPEAKER . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sam Harrison
Sam Harrison speaks and provides workshops on idea-sparking topics – and he speaks from experience. Throughout his career, Sam has banked on his creativity for success, whether developing new products and promotional events or devising marketing techniques and brand partnerships.
His energetic, real-world talks and seminars on creative process, brainstorming, finding inspiration, pitching ideas and other innovative topics receive rave reviews from audiences throughout North America.
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Atlanta, Georgia
Keynote: $5,000+; Half-Day: $7,500+; Full-Day:$10,000+ [+travel & expenses]
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For more information [or to read full bio],  please visit Sam Harrison's webpage.

. . . . . SHOWCASE SPEAKER . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bonnie Curtis
Bonnie Curtis has been making movies for 20 years--15 of which were spent at the side of Steven Spielberg.
After working with Spielberg on Hook and Jurassic Park, she became a Production Associate on Schindler’s List and served as Associate Producer on The Lost World: Jurassic Park, and Amistad. In 1998 she Co-Produced the epic blockbuster Saving Private Ryan, for which she received the “Producer of the Year” award from the Producers Guild of America. Next came A.I. Artificial Intelligence followed in 2002 by Minority Report, starring Tom Cruise.
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Los Angeles, California
Keynote: $5,000
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For more information [or to read full bio],  please visit Bonnie Curtis's webpage.

. . . . . SHOWCASE SPEAKER . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jeff Civillico
Jeff Civillico is a
Las Vegas based headline entertainer who blends his perfected art of juggling with friendly audience interaction and insane amounts of energy. With his “Comedy in Action” show, he was recently named a finalist at the Las Vegas Comedy Festival. His credits on the strip include V: The Ultimate Variety Show, Amazed, Nathan Burton, and The Improv at Harrah’s, to name a few.
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Las Vegas, Nevada
Entertainment Keynote: $4,000*; Team-Building Juggling Workshop: $3,000*; Together: $5,000* [*all-inclusive]
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For more information [or to read full bio],  please visit Jeff Civillico's webpage.

. . . . . SHOWCASE SPEAKER . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mack Dryden
Considered by many to be one of the funniest motivational speakers in the country today, Mack Dryden has survived everything from the sharks of showbiz, to bouts with two different types of cancer, to a terrifying stay in an African prison—and lived to tell inspiring, motivating and hilarious stories about it all.
In addition to being an electrifying motivational speaker and hilarious emcee, Mack is a comedian/actor/writer who has appeared on numerous television shows, in several feature films and whose writing and voice are heard on more than 500 radio stations every week...
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Los Angeles, California
Keynote: $5,750+; Cancer Events: $3,500+ [+ Hotel & Meals]
SHOWCASE FEE SPECIAL: [FOR SHOWCASE ATTENDEES]: If booked by January 10, 2011 [60 days after] - 15% OFF FEE!
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For more information [or to read full bio],  please visit Mack Dryden's webpage.

. . . . . SHOWCASE SPEAKER . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sam Richter
Sam Richter is an internationally recognized expert on sales & marketing. His award-winning experience includes building innovative technology, sales, & marketing programs for start-up companies and some of the world's most famous brands. From a Gold Medal at the International Film Festival to a Codie Award—the “Oscars” of the software industry, Sam’s wide range of experiences make him a hit and highly relevant for any audience. He was even previously a finalist for Inc. Magazine's Entrepreneur of the Year. Sam’s most recent top-selling book, "Take the Cold Out of Cold Calling" is now in multiple editions and has won numerous awards...
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TRAVELS FROM: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Keynote/Full-Day: $7,500+ Travel
SHOWCASE FEE SPECIAL: [FOR SHOWCASE ATTENDEES]: If booked by December 10, 2010 [30 days after] - $1,000 OFF FEE!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For more information [or to read full bio],  please visit Sam Richter's webpage.

. . . . . SHOWCASE SPEAKER . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Karen McCullough
Keynote speaker, Karen McCullough opens conferences, meetings & minds. Her clients call her, "A Shot of Energy" and she is the most fun you'll ever have learning! You will be entertained, inspired & prepared for the future.
Karen studies workplace treads and develops creative solutions that help people work together in harmony. Her goal is to help you be more productive, stimulate innovation, and increase profits. In a world that is becoming increasingly disconnected Karen’s work fills an immediate need to bridge the communication and generation gap by focusing on the solutions found in technology, social media, personal branding and the opportunities of change.
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TRAVELS FROM: Houston, Texas
Keynote: $6,500+; Half-Day: $7,500+; Full-Day: $9,500+
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For more information [or to read full bio],  please visit Karen McCullough's webpage.
FIVE STAR Speakers is your ticket to a meeting audiences will LOVE and a message they will LIVE! Whatever the topic, the industry, the audience, the budget, or the time line ... we know the proven players who will make you look great! We Speak to Your Success!

This SPECIAL issue of Spotlight highlights our fantastic Fall Showcase line-up! If you have not yet registered as our guest at NO cost, you can go here to get all the details & register for our November 10th Showcase in Kansas City!
Harvest Productions (our Showcase partner & sponsor) is an AMAZING production & audio/visual company that always delivers the highest quality, provides top-notch service, has one of the top reputations in creativity, and brings VALUE to every event they work on!

Not only is Harvest a great deal for one of the most reputable companies in their field, but you will truly be amazed & satisfied with their work! For more information or to have them bid your next event, please contact Bill Hartnett, VP Production Services at: 816.483.3889x102 or bhartnett@harvestproductionsinc.com.

SPECIAL: If you submit a production/AV bid and choose Harvest as your solution, you will receive a 15% DISCOUNT!
(mention this FIVE STAR ad to receive your discount!)

. . . . . SHOWCASE SPEAKER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Steve Gilliland, CSP
Steve is one of the most in-demand and top rated speakers in North America. He has been working with meeting planners and speakers bureaus since 1999 to entertain, educate and inspire audiences all over the world. Recognized by his peers as a master storyteller and brilliant comedian, his appeal transcends barriers of age, culture and occupation. Steve's interactive and entertaining style helps audiences connect and relate as he shows them how to open doors to success in their careers, their relationships and their lives. He speaks to more than 250,000 people a year and has shared the platform with numerous dignitaries!
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Charlotte, North Carolina
Kenote: (up to 6 hours): $8,500+
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For more information [or to read full bio],  please visit Steve Gilliland's webpage.

. . . . . SHOWCASE SPEAKER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wayne Lee
A former five-time Canadian amateur wrestling champion & schoolteacher who had an unrelenting passion for entertaining & empowering people. He took a childhood interest in magic and a fascination with visualization and transformed himself from classroom instructor into a comedic hypnotist and mind-power expert. Wayne found a new way to educate people about the power of the mind by spreading his philosophy that Life is MAGIC™ and has used hypnosis to excite, entertain and mesmerize thousands of audiences across North America. [over 2500 shows, hypnotizing over 25,000 people]
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Comedy Hypnosis Show: $6,000+; Motivational Keynote: $6,000+; Combination (both): $8,000+; Half-Day: $8,000+ (essentially a combo program, but can customize); Full-Day: $12,000+ (this would include a show & a workshop)
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For more information [or to read full bio],  please visit Wayne Lee's webpage.

. . . . . SHOWCASE SPEAKER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jim Bob Solsbery
Jim Bob Solsbery is a humorous Keynote Speaker with over 20 years experience. He has a unique mix of down-home humor and uptown content which appeals to people from small towns, corporate boardrooms and everywhere in between.
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Houston, Texas
Keynote: $5,000+; Half-day fee: $6,500
SHOWCASE FEE SPECIAL: [FOR SHOWCASE ATTENDEES]: If booked by December 10, 2010 [30 days after] - $1,000 OFF FEE!
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For more information [or to read full bio],  please visit Jim Bob Solsbery's webpage.
. . . . . SHOWCASE SPEAKER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Valorie Burton
A personal and executive coach who has served hundreds of clients in 40 states and 7 countries, Valorie Burton is the author of five books on personal development, including How Did I Get So Busy?, Listen to Your Life, and What’s Really Holding You Back? She is deeply committed to helping people be more resilient so they can thrive in life and work. She helps readers and audiences get unstuck, be more productive, and live with balance and purpose.
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Atlanta, Georgia
Keynote: $9,750+
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For more information [or to read full bio],  please visit Valorie Burton's webpage.
. . . . . SHOWCASE SPEAKER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kit Grant
Kit's "Expand Your Comfort Zone" & "Taking Personal Responsibility" messages will propel your people to even higher levels of accomplishment. Kit’s dynamic style combined with humor has positively influenced thousands of people in 15 countries on 4 continents to implement strategies that impact both personal and professional success. Your people receive a fast-paced, fun program providing them with tools to take immediate action and achieve the results they deserve...TODAY! [Warning! Some laughter is permitted during his presentations.]
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada (Fee Includes Travel)
Keynote up to Full-Day: $10,500 + hotel
SHOWCASE FEE SPECIAL: [FOR SHOWCASE ATTENDEES]: If booked by December 10, 2010 [30 days after] - $1,000 OFF FEE!
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For more information [or to read full bio],  please visit Kit Grant's webpage.
. . . . . SHOWCASE SPEAKER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Eric O'Shea
Eric O’Shea has appeared on NBC and VH-1! He has over 4-million hits on YouTube! He was nominated for the "2010 National College Comedian of the Year". Eric got a rave review from Mr. Steven Spielberg. Eric has performed live in L.A. on the E! Network with Betty White at the "Creative Emmy Awards!"
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New York, New York | Scottsdale, Arizona
Keynote: $6,000 + travel & hotel
SHOWCASE FEE SPECIAL: [FOR SHOWCASE ATTENDEES]: If booked by December 10, 2010 [30 days after] - $500 OFF FEE!
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For more information [or to read full bio],  please visit Eric O'Shea's webpage.
. . . . . SHOWCASE SPEAKER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Eric Boles
Eric Boles is the President of The Game Changers in Lakewood, WA. The Game Changers is a training & development company dedicated to maximizing the human asset. Eric is a highly acclaimed keynote speaker and consultant to leading companies such as Starbucks Coffee, NASA, Alaska Airlines, Dunkin Donuts, Thermo Fisher Scientific, and the US Army Rangers. Prior to becoming an authority on Leadership, Teamwork, & Change Management, Eric learned many principles of high performance from his experience playing in the NFL for the New York Jets & the Green Bay Packers.
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Seattle, Washington
Keynote: up to 2 hrs: $7,500; Half-Day: up to 4 hrs: $8,500; Full-Day: up to 7 hrs: $9,500
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For more information [or to read full bio],  please visit Eric Boles's webpage.
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Michelle Ray, CSP
Known as the "Attitude Adjustor", Michelle is a highly sought-after international keynote speaker, author & seminar leader who demonstrates a deep understanding of the consequences of low morale and ineffective leadership in the workplace. Born in Australia, Michelle began her career in the media industry during the recession of the early 80's. She was once told by management that she "didn't have what it takes" to succeed in the business world. With self- doubt and a lack of mentors, Michelle was inspired to move up the management ladder to self-employment; creating her own successful international business. She speaks passionately about self – actualization, the importance of outstanding leadership in the multigenerational workplace & the responsibility of positive communication & influence.
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British Columbia, Canada
Keynote: $7,000* ; Half-Day: $9,500*
[*plus hotel & meals]

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For more information [or to read full bio],  please visit Michelle Ray's webpage.
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Jim Eschrich
In his riveting and inspirational book Courage for the Rest of Us, author, speaker, entrepreneur & former member of the U.S. National Bobsled Team Jim Eschrich gives new meaning to the word "courage." Some see courage as a Tarzan moment...beating your chest and shouting out for all to hear. But for Jim, passion is how you access your courage. By being passionate about something, being true to who and what you are - your passion grabs courage and says, "Let's do this!"
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Kansas City, Missouri
Keynote: $3,500
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For more information [or to read full bio],  please visit Jim Eschrich's webpage.
Theresa Behenna
Australian born Theresa Behenna is an award-winning motivational speaker, internationally acclaimed pianist, author, emcee, recording artist & totally unrelated to Olivia Newton John! Laid off from her office job during a recession Down Under, Theresa began playing piano anywhere that paid and ended up touring the world. She has appeared in some of the world’s most prestigious venues before celebrities such as Andrew Lloyd Webber, Matt Lauer, Elton John, Princess Grace, ‘James Bond’ and President Bush. In 2006 Coca Cola chose her to perform at the Winter Olympics in Italy where she became the world’s only pianist to bring back a gold medal!
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Houston, Texas
Keynote: (up to 60 minutes): $6,500 [Inside Texas: $5,000 | In Houston: $4,000]
[Full fees booked include airfare & one one extra service (i.e. piano entertainment or emcee within 24 hours of keynote)]

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For more information [or to read full bio],  please visit Theresa Behenna's webpage.