Welcome to my blog! My name is Sarah Whitten and I'm the Marketing Director at FIVE STAR Speakers & Trainers. I constantly get feedback in the world of keynote speakers, receive new information, hear & meet speakers - and I wanted to share my insight with you! If you are looking to hire a speaker, trainer, entertainer, etc - please visit our website at www.fivestarspeakers.com. The information shared on this blog is purely my opinion - just Sarah's, and that's all! Enjoy!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Valorie Burton | FIVE STAR Showcase Speaker | Week 45: Stop Stalling and Get It Done!

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Click here to take Valorie's quiz What's Holding You Back that is in the November Issue of O Magazine.

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What's Really Holding You Back?
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Week 45: Stop Stalling and Get It Done
Welcome and Announcements

Welcome to our new subscribers since last week. 


In the News
November SaleTake 20% off Valorie Burton's Comprehensive Library, which includes all five of her books and the Listen to Your Life DVD.  Reg. $79, Sale $63.20.  Click here to purchase now!

Washington, DC Area
Join Valorie at the Maryland Women's Conference on Friday, November 19th.  Click here to register.

O Magazine Article

Check out Valorie's article What's Holding You Back in the November issue of O Magazine beginning on page 176.

Newly Launched CAPP Institute WebsiteCheck out the newly launched CAPP (Coaching and Positive Psychology) Institute website!  Click here to learn about our six-month accelerated certification program.  Complete details are coming soon.

Emmy Nomination

Aspiring Women, the TV show on TLN that Valorie co-hosted (2009-10 season) with comedian Chonda Pierce and Shirley Rose, has been nominated for two regional Emmy awards!

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This Week's Topic: Stop Stalling and Get It Done
Dear Friend,

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."  It's a famous Will Rogers quote - perfect for recovering procrastinators, like me.  How about you? What are you stalling on right now?  It only takes a moment to get unstuck.  It's a decision.  And takes just a little discipline to get focused and get busy. Take these five steps to get started:

1. Stop and refocus.
Whatever you are doing that is not really a priority right now - watching TV, checking email, whatever - stop it. Take a deep breath.  Ask yourself, "What do I need to do right now?"

2. Take a step, any step.
Immediately after stopping, take a step in the right direction. If you need to clean up, start picking things up.  If you need to write a report, open up Word and start typing. If you need to take control of your finances, gather up your bills and get yourself organized.

3. Be willing to do badly.
One of the reasons many people stall is that they are afraid of doing it wrong - whatever "it" is. Don't worry about that. Just get started.  Most people never get started, so you are ahead of the game if you just get in the game. You can go back later and edit, fix or improve upon your first effort. Don't let perfectionism hold you hostage.

4. Tell somebody.
When you tell somebody else what you are going to do, you are far more likely to actually do it.  If you keep it to yourself, no one has to know when you don't take action. Use accountability as a tool to get things done. 

5. Create some pressure.
Sometimes having too much time to do something can be your biggest problem.You take a leisurely attitude because you have "so much time." Before you know it, you have no time at all.  If you know you tend to procrastinate, create some structure that gives you a specific window of time to accomplish your task. Ever notice how productive you are right before you go on vacation? You know that in order to leave, you have to get these things done. And you do.  Create pressure, if you need it, and it can be the catalyst to get you going.

My challenge to you this week:
Stop stalling. Just do it!
Coaching question:
What next step will you take now to move in the right direction?
Until next time ...

Warm wishes,
Valorie's Signature
P.S. Encourage your friends and family by sharing this newsletter and invite others to subscribe! Just send them to www.valorieburton.com, where they can enter their email address on the home page.

Valorie Burton, a life coach and speaker, is the author of Listen to Your Life, Rich Minds, Rich Rewards, What's Really Holding You Back?, Why Not You? and her latest, How Did I Get So Busy? The 28-Day Plan to Free Your Time, Reclaim Your Schedule and Reconnect with What Matters Most. Subscribe to her FREE, inspirational e-newsletter at www.valorieburton.com.

Please feel free to forward The Coaching Session with Valorie Burton E-Newsletter to friends and colleagues, but please forward in its entirety. The Coaching Session with Valorie Burton E-Newsletter is written and distributed by Inspire, Inc.

(c) Copyright 2010 Valorie Burton and Inspire Inc.

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