Welcome to my blog! My name is Sarah Whitten and I'm the Marketing Director at FIVE STAR Speakers & Trainers. I constantly get feedback in the world of keynote speakers, receive new information, hear & meet speakers - and I wanted to share my insight with you! If you are looking to hire a speaker, trainer, entertainer, etc - please visit our website at www.fivestarspeakers.com. The information shared on this blog is purely my opinion - just Sarah's, and that's all! Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Congratulations to These Award-Winning Speakers!


FIVE STAR Speakers would like to CONGRATULATE the following AMAZING speakers on their latest awards! This is an amazing accomplishment & we are HONORED to be working with each of them! Congrats!!
Charlie Plumb:
Six-year Vietnam POW and
best-selling author of I'm No Hero

Mary Loverde: Medical professional who teaches audiences step-by-step strategies for a balanced life.

The Passing Zone: Corporate entertainers and speakers on The Power of Partnership, Innovation, Collaboration & Execution.

Bill Cates: President of Referral Coach International, Bill Cates is considered the nation's foremost expert and speaker on increasing sales through high-quality referrals.

Steve Spangler: Author, Teacher, Speaker, Emmy Award winner, toy maker and a trained magician. He is most famous for the hugely popular experiment of dropping a Mentos into a bottle of Diet Coke, with the end result being a huge geyser..

Jim Rhode: SmartPractice® Co-founders [Along with his wife, Naomi] have been pioneers in the field of preventative dentistry for over 30 years. They speak about business, health care, practice management and successful relationships as speakers, seminar leaders, coaches and mentors.
For additional information on any of the award-winning speakers listed (or how to have them speak at your next event) please contact FIVE STAR Speakers at 913.648.6480 or contact us through email.

[National Speakers Association (NSA) established:
CPAE Award: Council of Peers Award for Excellence Speaker Hall of Fame to honor professional speakers who have reached the top echelon of platform excellence.
The Cavett Award: NSA's most cherished award. It is presented annually to the member whose accomplishments over the years have reflected outstanding credit, respect, honor and admiration in the Association and the speaking profession, and whose actions (in terms of sharing, guiding and inspiring other members)]

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